Nourishing People Around the World
Responsibly producing high quality crops and pork to feed the world’s growing population.
Corn, Soybeans & Pigs
At Lone Tree Farms Inc. our mission is to nourish the world’s growing population. In 2020 our pork and soybeans fed families in more than 70 countries.
Located south of Kansas City, Missouri, our 2000-acre farm produces corn, soybeans and some small grains. Our farm is also home of Lone Tree Pigs Inc., a large farrow-to-wean hog operation.

About Our Farm
Our family farm was established in 1961 by Ted and Virginia Zellmer and is managed today by Brent & Peggy (Zellmer) Heid. However, the roots of our farm go back many generations since we both come from a long line of farmers dedicated to caring for the land and livestock.
We move forward with a dedicated team of people and consider it our responsibility to create a positive work environment for those who work with us. As stewards of God’s creation, we are always exploring innovative improvements in animal welfare, environmental impact, and conservation.

We exist to nourish people.
Animal Welfare
At Lone Tree Pigs we ethically nurture and diligently protect our animals. Every step of our animal welfare program promotes the health, safety, and well-being of our animals.
Environmental Impact
As farmers, we know that safeguarding the environment is essential to protecting and preserving natural resources for future generations.

Join Our Team
We treat everyone with respect and work to create a supportive atmosphere with a spirit of comradery.